Dina, Batoul and
the Canary
Deeb Mohammad Hashim
The sunlight tickled the leaves of the sleeping
flowers at the edges of the hills…
At early dawn, two butterflies sang and whispered to
nature and the eyelashes of the fields…
One said to the other:
"Tell me a story about Batoul… Sing to me the canary
song, which it sang for us before the departure of
the moon…"
The other butterfly said as she gestured her wings
to the spacious atmosphere:
"O wind that blows like spirits among the curves of
the trees, do not break the majesty of silence.
Listen to the running tears that flow from within
the sad stories…
Yesterday sister, the family slept between these two
Yesterday, two children walked along these prairies…
Yesterday, love resided among the daisies that grew
at the feet of the open window…
Yesterday, four candles melted down… Image of
innocence danced at the doorsteps of the childhood
that dreamt of roses… The eyes of Dina gazed at the
far horizon… The odor of flowers breezed with
Yesterday, on her fourth birthday, the mother gave
her a canary bird with a kiss as a present…
She said to her: "Feed it, my dear Dina, with seeds
of wheat grain. Nourish its spirit with a warm
Dina and the canary strolled by the gardens and
rivulets with Batoul walking behind them… The tamed
bird now shares a story with the two sisters…
The bird became the storage of the secrets of a
happy childhood… The two sisters fed the bird seeds
of joy using their pure fists… And it sipped from
their hands the tears of clouds. On their shoulders,
the bird slept in the calmness of the late afternoon
between the edges of the mountains… It sang for them
the creation of the creator, the best of songs, and
the walls of the valleys echoed its anthems like a
captivating magic…
The bird can no longer sleep at night unless it
listens to the stories of Dina and Batoul…
And both sisters can no longer wakeup unless it sang
to them the psalms of the morning gentle breeze…
The second butterfly dusted off its wings and said:
"Tell me sister about the last farewell… How did
that dreaming company ended into a farewell…"
The first butterfly said:
"On that springy day that was rich with the odor of
soil, Batoul told her mother that she saw what
seemed like a vision at early dawn. She saw the
angels hovering around her bed, wearing snow white
clothes. They began spreading around the beds of the
sleepers a magical perfume, spraying from their
wings spectacular phantoms…
She saw the crying candles of Christmas… Batoul said
she could not understand why the candles cried. And
the Canary bird gazed at the angels and started
singing songs that were mixed with all colors of joy
and all colors of sadness. Hence, its songs changed
into sanguineous blood that flew richly and mixed
with the phantoms of the angels and the tears of the
On that very day, Dina and Batoul continued their
final journey supervised by the butterflies…
The two sisters drank the nectar of flowers until
satisfaction… They sang to freedom, to life, to the
bird of the prairies, whereas the leaves of the
trees were chanted… At sunset, they kissed what
appeared to be like the last farewell of a light
that rayed from the forehead of the fading sun…
When the night stretched its scarf and the family
reposed, Dina felt the breeze which seeped through
the vines that hang by the window. She stood up to
embrace the canary bird and placed it beside her.
She covered it with her gown and began wiping its
feathers with her soft and warm fingers. She told it
about the arriving spring, the swings of the
holiday, the school outfit, the drawing book, and
the coloring pencils. She promised that she will
draw a nest that would embrace the wind above the
branches of the carob tree that rose at the cliff of
the mountain… The canary closed its sleepy eyes,
unlocked the ties of the vision after going into a
deep and peaceful sleep, and began dreaming of the
next morning…
However, the morning never came on that very day… It
was a morningless day… The night was endlessly
On that day, the canary bird did not see the
sunlight and did not wave its soft feathers under
the warmth of its rays.
Nonetheless, it could feel the dust all over the
region. The thunder was roaring a sound that
deafened the ears. The bird saw a rising flame that
was engulfing everything… The walls started caving
in on top of the sleeping bodies… The formidable and
awful scorching flames arrived to burn the bed of
Dina and Batoul as well as the bed of the parents…
The family was facing what seemed like a dream
before the eyes of the sad bird turned into four
candles and began melting in pain with tears and
blood… Images of sadness and joy mixed in front of
the eyes of the dazzled bird.
On her birthday yesterday, Dina unlit four candles…
Who was going to unlit her candle today as she cries
out her departure?
Batoul said in a dimmed voice: "I am burning O
mother like a flame at the national alter of my
absent homeland and sleeping parents… Hold me to
your chest and let your tenderness distinguish the
flames of my suffering. Dress my bleeding wounds
because my desire for life continues to exist."
Dina reached out for her mother's hands using what
is left of her fading strength and kissed them with
her dusty lips pleading, begging, and yelling: "It
is I your little coddled child O mother… I ask you
for a last gentle touch before my departure… Mother,
your touches have forever been the shelter of your
two children who escaped from the darkness and fear
of the night. What is wrong with your fingers? They
seem to be full of wounds. What is wrong with your
hands? They do not seem to be able to reach out for
me and wipe the traveling dust off my face..."
When the father heard the screams of the two
children from behind the aches and the flowing
blood, and when he sensed the silence of the mother,
he called after them using the remaining strength of
his spirit that was seeping out of his veins: "Oh
Dina…. Oh Batoul… Come to me my little ones and
distinguish your fire through my mortal body. Sip
from its parts the remains of the age of youth… Take
from my eyes their humanity… One for Batoul and the
other for Dina… Through them, continue your long
journey and plant it with my eyelids to grow into
flowers… O bride and groom, don't you think it is
time for your wedding dresses to be dusted with
soil? O flowers, don't you think it is time for the
garden to lose you?"
Next, the father closed his eyes… The ghost of
sleepiness dallied with the two children… The
awesomeness of silence overwhelmed the ruins of the
place… Nothing could disturb it but the emanating
hissing of the fire snakes…
The bird sat with its broken wings over the
shattered coloring pencils wanting to launch from
its throat a call for help… However, the overflowing
tears were stronger than the singing throats. Hence,
it succumbed to crying… As soon as it felt the
dryness of the eyes, it squeezed out of them two
tears, which it gave to its two companions and
squeezed two other tears for the parents…
When the four coffins were carried above the
shoulders, the people forgot the lonely canary. It
wanted to cry out for them to beg them take it
along… It wanted to remind them that it was a part
of the residents of these lifted coffins and that it
was an inseparable piece of them. However, no one
listened to its flimsy and wordy cries. Hence, it
flapped its bloody wings hoping they will help it
fly and catch up with the procession of the loved
ones… But the burden of the injuries was stronger
than wishes and overpowered the bereaved bird to
suppress its will for flying… It started rolling
over the rocks and spikes, moaning and grieving. It
ended at the trunk of the carob tree that rose at
the cliff of the mountain. From there, it began
observing the funeral procession that was
disappearing behind the foggy clouds and the trees
that rose up to the skies, where Dina had promised
him on that very night that she was going to draw
for him a nest that will be shaded by the sprouts.

The sad bird sat still at the tree trunk for three
consecutive nights and would not leave until it
breathed its last breath while gazed at the distant
horizon, where the loved ones disappeared at
The butterfly stopped talking and wiped a tear that
shined its eyes. The two butterflies started
covering the bird's corpse with tree leaves and
fruits. Besides, they offered to his grave a sprout
that they brought from a leafy plant, hoping it will
shade with its flourishing leaves the graves of Dina
and Batoul.